Monday, April 23, 2007

Start Up Journal Blog Watch

Greetings! After almost two months of absence due to a coast-to-coast move, I'm happy to be back to VC Cafe, and there's much ground to cover.

First, some exciting news. Sarah Needleman from the Wall Street Journal interviewed me a couple of weeks ago, and the article went live last Friday (4/20) on Startup Journal, the Wall Street Journal center for entrepreneurs. The VC Cafe is featured in an article on "What small business can learn from blogs".

I am very excited to be on this list with many respected blogs such as:
  • Work Happy provides advice, ideas, inspiration and resources Carson McComas accumulated through his own experience as a consultant to entrepreneurs and owner of four Web-based ventures.
  • Franchise Pundit reports on emerging franchises, relevant legal news and various industry happenings.
  • Young Go Getter covers all aspects of starting and running a business from the perspective of a young person
  • Escape from Cubicle Nation focuses on the emotional aspect of leaving the corporate world to start a business.
  • Biz Bang Buzz is about legal issues pertaining to entrepreneurs
  • Marketing Blog provides ideas and opinions about small-business marketing
  • Small Business Trends focuses on major developments that affect small-business owners
  • The Invent Blog gathers articles on patents and legal related topics
  • How to Change the World is Guy Kawasaki's 'best-seller' blog, which you all probably know...
All of the above are great blogs and I warmly recommend checking them out. If this is your first visit to VC Cafe - Welcome! Whether you are an entrepreneur seeking to gain blogosphere exposure for your startup, or a VC looking for new investments, I look forward to connecting with you.

For the full article in WSJ, click here.

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At 7:59 AM, Blogger Charlie Cook said...

Thanks for the mention. The snapshot function is cool, though you might want to update it as I took down the popup slider as it was killing the load time.


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